Internal Assessment

An Eight-Step Guide

Step Two: Introduction and Background Information

By the end of this step you will have:


✔︎  Written your introduction

✔︎  Refined and fully focused your research question

✔︎  Written your background information paragraph

✔︎  Created your hypothesis (optional)

Writing your IA introduction

Writing a background information section


  Write your introduction

➜  Write your background information section



✔︎  I created a title by reformulating the research question into a statement

✔︎  I briefly explained my specific personal connection to/interest in my topic

✔︎  I briefly defined/explained key terms that might not be familiar to my audience

✔︎  I stated what specific Physics topic I will investigate

✔︎  I refined and fully focused my research question

✔︎  I thought about my past Physics learning related to the topic (if applicable)

✔︎  I carried out research to find out about concepts and experiments related to my topic (if applicable)

✔︎  I wrote a background information paragraph explaining the Physics behind my investigation

✔︎  My background information section includes past learning and/or information from my research

✔︎  I referenced any outside sources (if applicable)

✔︎  I wrote a hypothesis based on the Physics concepts that are behind my topic (optional)

Questions to ask your teacher

  Is the title of the internal assessment clear?

  Does the introduction seem complete and concise?

  Is the research question relevant and fully focused?

✤  Is the background information relevant and correct?

 Does the background information give the reader a better understanding about my topic?

✤ Does the hypothesis make sense based on the background information?

Additional resources

Example IA (PDF)

← Step 1

Step 3 →